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From: Scott L.
Sent on: Monday, September 3, 2012, 4:11 PM
Dear Friends,

As you know, I have been operating Barkissimo as a romantic getaway for a year now, and am about to do a renovation to make the yacht even better. In that vein, I am going to be sending out a couple of special offers for a night aboard Barkissimo, with an amazing breakfast and all the rest, so I can raise the money needed for the work.

There will be two offers, one in which you can scroll through the dates of the event and buy a ticket specific to that date. The second offer, following a couple of days later, will be an unrestricted offer in which you can contact me via email to make your reservations once you have a better idea of what you'll  be doing next year. The first offer will be $145.00, good to use if you want to lock in a specific date, and the second will be $159.00, and will be subject to the dates not filled by those who opt for the first offer. Weekends and holidays will carry an upcharge of $60.00, payable upon check in.

I'll run the specials until the end of September, and the tickets will be good for the first seven months of next year. Please buy a ticket now, and forward the deal to all your friends you think might like to escape to the yacht and enjoy the magic ambiance which is Barkissimo.

Much thanks and love,


I love everyone, everyone reading this, everyone in my life, and everyone
who has left it. I don't care what you've done (or what I've done) or what
you think of me. I love you anyway. I don't want or need anything else.

Follow My Adventure at:

Looking for a vacation rental? A special getaway? A unique event venue? I've got the best:

You can see more photos of the boat here:

And if you need a contractor for your home or work, I'm your guy.

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