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New Meetup: Pool night@Thalassa

From: Hoss
Sent on: Friday, March 20, 2009, 5:15 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Bay Area Iranians!

What: Pool night@Thalassa

When: April 4,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Are you guys ready to unwind a little after work? Looking to hone in on your pool skills? then lets go...This is time for another pool night!
We will alternate this event between Berkeley/San Francisco and San Jose every other week. We can catch a live music performance or hang out in a bar or a club after the game if people want. Attend and be ready to have a GREAT time!
Thalassa is the best billiard and bar club in Berkeley. They have 23 tables and wait for tables never be too long.

There will be around $10 fee per person.
I will be there at 8:30 pm and I try to reserve table.
I will send my cell phone number to those who RSVP for this event.

Learn more here: