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Re: [friends-1046] Camera repair/cleaning person in Central Oregon

From: randy s.
Sent on: Thursday, November 21, 2013, 3:50 PM

I also clean my own gear but would not attempted that one. I recommend a factory visit. A clean and check at Canon is about $150 + shipping, this sounds like more then that. Depending on the age and value of the body I might be looking at a new camera if it as me. 

On Nov 21,[masked]:48 PM, "Robert Curzon" <[address removed]> wrote:

Hate to bother all of you, but someone who's not a member just emailed me and said she has a friend whose camera got very dirty in Mexico.  "Silt" was the word she used!  Sounds like a factory repair to me, but is there anyone in town any of you would recommend?  I do my own cleaning now, but try to avoid silt!



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