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New meetup coming soon

From: Dan S.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 20, 2016, 3:21 PM

Hi Members,

It has been over 9 months since we met last, but we will be meeting again soon!  Our next meetup will be at my new office, housed in The Port Workspaces Kaiser Center at[masked]th St. in Oakland (the cross street is Webster St.). It is right across the street from where we used to meet.

For this meetup, we will need a volunteer to sit by the front door from 5:45 pm - 6:30 pm (a bit before and a bit after the 6 pm meeting) and let members in. In consideration for this service, I would like to offer the volunteer one hour of free MS-Access or SQL Server consulting work. You would also have some say as to what day the next meeting will occur.

Who would like to volunteer?

And please stay tuned for a posting of the next meetup, which will be within a month!

See you all soon,

Dan Stern

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