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RE: [singles-1322] RSVP's

From: Chris O.
Sent on: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 12:16 PM
I may be binging a date. What is it like? Do you know of any nice restaurants in the area? (doesn't have to be 'nice' - I personally like mom-and-pop places that are unique or at least homey)
I'm really excited about this! (it'll be my first date with this friend too!)
- Chris O'Brien

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [singles-1322] RSVP's
Date: Thu, 11 Dec[masked]:59:40 -0500

Hi everyone ~

PLEASE change your rsvp to either Yes or No by tonight. I really need to know if there is enough interest in this event to keep it on the calendar.

The torchlight parade is alot of fun, and a great way to get into the holiday spirit.

Thank you for your response ~


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