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A Few Reminders About the Black Founders Happy Hour Hosted by 500 Startups

From: Monique W.
Sent on: Thursday, December 8, 2011, 1:03 PM

We are excited to see you at the next Black Founders South Bay Happy Hour - Hosted by 500 Startups. Due to the large amount of interest in this event, we had to cap the guest list. We're sorry that we weren't able to accommodate everyone, but please keep up with us via Meetup or our website and we'll see you at the next great event. 

For those of you who will be joining us on the evening of December 13th, here are some tips to make this night a success.

1) Bring your identification. We will be checking names against the official guest list, so please bring some form of ID.

2) Provide the names of any guests. If you have RSVP’d with a +1, you must provide the name of your guest so that we can add him/her to the guest list. Please send the name of your guest to [address removed]. If the name of your +1 has not been received by Monday, December 12 at 5:00pm PST, your +1 will be removed.

3) Make sure you’re on the guest list. The interest in this event was so great that unfortunately, many people were unable to register due to limited space. We appreciate your enthusiasm, but if you are not on the accepted guest list, please do not show up. Anyone not on the guest list will not be admitted.



We can’t wait to see you at the happy hour!

Black Founders

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