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New Meetup: Games at the Closing Bell

From: Ed O.
Sent on: Friday, July 10, 2009, 4:52 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Board Game Lovers Meetup Group!

What: Games at the Closing Bell

When: July 22,[masked]:00 PM

Closing Bell - Wall Street Pub
1524 Demonbreun St
Nashville, TN 37203

Come on out and play board games with fellow meetup members. We have the Board Room reserved (all the way in the back of the bar). The Board Room is a large space with plenty of tables and is separated from the main bar (less noise). We will be playing games of all types. And Craig offered to teach folks how to play "Acquire" (a classic). If you have a favorite game, and are willing to teach it to others, bring it with you.

Learn more here: