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A Big "Thanks!"

From: user 4.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 11, 2017, 7:55 AM

Thanks to all who came out on a Monday night to LynLake Brewery.  It was a "Nice Night for It" and twill be remembered for a long time. Thank you LynLake for thinking of it and caring about what we're about.

I was running around escorting people up to the roof and popping in on conversations here and there throughout the night...while trying to remember where I left my beer .  It was good to meet new folks (the name tags worked 2 ways for a beer special, and a short memory)....and to see familiar faces. Thanks for coming.  I hope it was good, good time for you as well.

Boys & Brews began almost by accident nearly 2 years ago.  It wasn't meant to be anything but a more formal way of gathering and getting places together.   We currently have 365 Brewers, and had 197 meetups since Dec 6, 2015. Of those 197, LynLake Brewery is a weekly event, the others are a smattering of breweries and distilleries that we know and love, or are just meeting.  The list is multitudinous with the number of new breweries opening. We'll hit every brewery in the Mpls/StPaul area for sure, and travel outside the metro as well. Some of our most memorable times have been getting outta town together.

If we haven't met you yet, we're missing out, so come to a Meetup and let us see your face.  That's been the best part of B&B - the people.....oh, yeh, and the beer.

Love you guys so much, and look forward to another year with you paddling down the Hops River!



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