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New Meeting: Zeitgiest This.. Sociological Perspective on Generations

From: user 3.
Sent on: Friday, March 7, 2008, 12:30 PM
Announcing a new meeting for BionicPulse: The Los Angeles Cognitive Health Group!

What: Zeitgiest This.. Sociological Perspective on Generations

When: Friday, April 4, 7:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Those who believe in a time spirit.. That time affects our psychology.. A sociological perspective...

Why: Great author discusses the psychology of one of our most famous american Generations Generation X.. Then we stop for cocktails..

Meeting Description: Myagi's was fun.. but not really intellectually stimulating..

We change gears and slow down from Karaoke and Sake while watching our body movements...

To the Sociological Perspective of our collective unconscious... Does a generation have different psychological perspective? Do generations battle other generations? What does it mean as a society?

We join another Meetup my Generation X meetup to listen, chill, discuss, and maybe sip some wine...

Vroom Bookstore...

We listen to Jeff Gordinier discuss...

Flipping conventional wisdom on its head, X Saves the World revisits the glory years of the slackers who were born between[masked] and takes a sharp look at the culture they've created in spite of their ongoing marginalization. Not since Douglas Coupland has anyone examined Generation X with this level of detail and insight; not since the heyday of Tom Wolfe in the '60s & '70s has a writer brought this much energy and lacerating wit to the task of social anthropology.

Visit Bookstore at: ...

Well after listening to Jeff Gordinier discuss and having him sign our copy of X Saves the World..

We go down to Bodega or El Portal.. depending on the vote at Vroom bookstore.. So make sure you find us at Vroom...

Sit back and relax and share your favorite Gen-X story.. I have one with Rod Stewart and an elevator..

Learn more here: