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The Hunger Games Discussion Questions

From: Bonnie
Sent on: Thursday, September 22, 2011, 4:33 PM

Here are the discussion questions for Sunday's Meetup for The Hunger Games! There were so many questions I had swirling around for this book. It was hard to narrow them down. I usually try to keep the number of questions to 11, but it was just too difficult this time! I've added five more. If we don't get through everything not a big deal because I think we're going to have PLENTY to talk about! --Bonnie


The Hunger Games

1. What major emotion did The Hunger Games as a whole evoke in you as a reader? At what point in The Hunger Games did you decide if you liked it or not? What was the turning point for this decision?

2. Were you able to move beyond the horrific premise of the Hunger Games and if so, were you surprised at how quickly you were able to make that transition? What did you feel was the most emotional moment in book? Which part was the hardest to read?

3. Who was your favorite character in The Hunger Games? What about them made you feel this way?

4. What are your thoughts on Katniss’ Mother? Haymitch?

5. What do you think was the point of the Mockingjay pin Katniss’ friend Madge gave to her to wear in the arena? Why do you think she stressed so severely to keep it on at all times?

6. Why are the “tributes” given stylists and dressed so elaborately for the opening ceremony? What does this ceremony remind you of?

7. Before the Games start, Peeta tells Katniss, “. . . I want to die as myself . . . I don’t want them to change me in there. Turn me into some kind of monster that I’m not.” What does this tell you about Peeta? What does he fear more than death? Is he able to stay true to himself during the Games? Do your thoughts concerning Peeta change at all throughout the story?

8. When does Katniss first realize that Peeta does care for her and is trying to keep her alive? When does she realize her own feelings for him? Did Haymitch think all along that he could keep them both alive by stressing the love story? Do you think they are actually in love?

9. Which couple are you rooting for? Are you Team Gale or Team Peeta Why?

10. What do you think is really in District 13?

11. What are some of the benefits the Games might provide for the districts? Besides the Hunger Games, what other ways does the Capitol control the districts and their people? What are some signs of resistance both from the districts and within the Capitol?

12. In 1848, Karl Marx wrote in The Communist Manifesto, “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.” How does this statement apply to the society and government of Panem. Do you believe there is any chance to eradicate Panem’s class struggles in the future?

13. What characters or plot points were left undeveloped in this book that you believe will be explored in future books in the series?

14. Do you have any burning questions the story just didn’t provide answers to?

15. After reading The Hunger Games, would you be willing to read other books from Suzanne Collins?

16. If a friend asked about The Hunger Games would you tell them to “Burn It” or “Buy It”?

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