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'Good Goal' looking for additional self-employed contributors, including someone in London

From: Adrian P.
Sent on: Monday, November 21, 2016, 5:04 PM

Dear Members

Tim Aerts, a co-founder of Good Goal (, has alerted me to the fact that they are searching a few extra self-employed sustainability-minded people to contribute to their platform, including someone in London.

The contribution would include writing about sustainable places and projects in the city, and showing them to travellers (for instance via walking tours, which would be the main income). English language and a passion for sustainability are the main requirements (as is being registered as a self-employed).

As Tim says, Good Goal are a group of young and enthusiastic freelancers who launched this project one year ago, making it easier for people to always find sustainable options, even when they are travelling. What they are searching for is someone to be responsible for London, to write, show, and contribute to the general platform (individual ideas are very welcome of course).

If people are interested, they can get in contact via [address removed].

Best regards
