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Reminder: The survey is still open

From: Mark R.
Sent on: Sunday, April 13, 2014, 9:10 AM


A big thank you to all those who have taken part in the member survey - you have given me many great insights.

If you haven't responded yet, now is a great time to join in. I would like nothing more than to be overwhelmed with feedback! The survey is open until the end of this Friday. Please click the link below, it will take no more than 5 minutes.

CMAG Member Survey 2014

I would also like to draw your attention to an open job with some of our long-time members. James Green and Jonathan Custance of Green Custard are looking for a Senior Software Engineer to help them with some exciting projects.

Coming up this Tuesday at The Fountain, Matias Piipari of PapersApp will share his experiences building an open source cross-platform sync engine on SQLite3. Papers 3 runs on Mac, iOS and Windows, with Android coming soon. We will meet in the bar from 7pm, for a start upstairs at 7:30pm. Thanks again to Red Gate for sponsoring the room hire. I hope to see you there. Please RSVP through this link:

Building an open source sync engine with SQLite3

Best regards,

Mark Roberts.

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