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Re: [Canberra-Entrepreneurs] Saturday meetup

From: user 2.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 31, 2011, 8:38 PM
I'll be there around 11am.
On 31/08/2011, at 2:18 PM, Lydia Teo wrote:

Hi everyone

just a reminder that if you'd like to join us this Saturday for our Meetup at Cafe Creme in Civic to RSVP prior to Friday 2 September so I book the table for the correct number of attendees.

If you cant make it after saying 'yes' please just drop me a quick note to say so.

Looking forward to meeting new attendees as well as previous attendees.




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To learn more about Lydia Teo, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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