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Casting call for short film

From: Edward D.
Sent on: Thursday, September 24, 2009, 6:03 PM
Hourglass Films is having a casting call for a new comedy short film. Here is a description of the characters:

Keira ? female, early 20s,
Lee ? female, 30 - 40 years old
Jackie ? female, 30 - 40 years old
Dan ? male, 30 - 40 years old
Joe ? male, 25 - 45 years old

Principal roles will receive $100 plus meals, supporting will receive $50 plus meals. Auditions will be held on October 5th and 6th in the evening on the north side of Chicago.

Please email a head shot and resume to [address removed]. Qualified submissions will be emailed back a script and audition details. Thanks!

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