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What we’re about

Applied Data Science. Robust Data Strategy.

Experience an interactive panel discussion with experts responsible for leading their organization’s Data Strategy and creating economic value through Data Science. As Data Scientists, we use computer programming and software to transform raw data into useful information to make better business decisions.

Not your thing? Does this sound a little boring? Yeah, I know... but what if I told you that Data Science (DS):

- DS has been rated the best job in America by Glassdoor for the last three years.
- DS has a starting pays that averages around $100K with a median salary of $112K.
- DS is responsible for self-driving cars and in-home artificial intelligence.
- DS is projected to create 11.5 million job opportunities by 2026
- There was a 29% increase in DS job post between 2017 and 2018.

And your very own, Houston, Texas, has the highest cost of living adjusted salary in the United States!

Still not interested? Well, let's see. Without Data Science there would be NO...

Google - Search, Translate, or MAPs
Netflix & Chill
Amazon ... Everything.

Speaking of Amazon. Did you know they employ over 470 Data Scientist with hundreds of available positions? At a minimum, based on the median salary, they spend roughly $52,000,000 a year on ONE position, and they are looking to spend MORE. Just in case you are bad with numbers... that is $52 MILLION.

Obviously, Amazon gets it. Will you invest in yourself and join the conversation? You should!

Leveraging data to drive competitive advantage has shifted from being an option to a requirement in our data-driven economy. Having a robust data strategy and data science roadmap needs to become an essential part of every organization's DNA.

Data helps improve decision making, as well as operations, and can be monetized in products or services. Our panelists will articulate the size of the task and subsequent reward of building a data-driven culture. Ultimately, companies and individuals who view data as a strategic asset will survive and thrive.

You will walk away understanding what can be achieved through applied Data Science and that Data Science is:

Decision Support: How to leverage data to make better decisions.
Value Creation: How leaders eliminate data bottlenecks and increase ROI.
Sustainable Innovation: How organizations use data to stay ahead of the competition.