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Cocoa training for new iOS developers?

From: Taryn V.
Sent on: Friday, June 14, 2013, 9:37 PM
Rick recently brought up the need for the group to be kinder to newbies, presenting material that isn't quite so bleeding edge and esoteric. His presentation on window management was step in that direction, offering material that every new iOS programmer needs, but we need to do more to bring the new members along. I like to think that we're a pretty egalitarian crowd, but kindness and respect only go so far; if we spend our time babbling about new compiler features and other exotica, we are not adequately serving the bulk of the members.

Of course, the next meeting or two will be packed with WWDC trivia, there's no possibility of avoiding that :) Even so, we ought to look at ways to guide and support our newer coders. 


  Interested members might organize into study groups, focused on getting started with xcode, or using the cocoa libraries, or building your first app, or setting up developer certificates and getting your app into the store. I'm imagining 2-6 members, meeting a few times in a library or coffee shop, sharing insights and understanding. Perhaps there could be some minor perk for a guest speaker, the subgroup picks up lunch for whomever has experience or material to offer.

  There are a fair number of organizations, e.g. "Big Nerd Ranch" which offer xcode 101 and/or cocoa 101 style courses, either intensively, over a week or weekend, or at a more normal once/twice a week for a few months. If you have info or experience with training organizations, especially any that offer local beginner's classes, please post details and reviews here. As always, we should also be posting links to best books, best training materials, etc.

Last year, one of us conducted some intro classes, I imagine they were a great deal of effort for the teacher, he is to be commended for that generous effort, but it's not realistic for individuals to conduct more than a few such classes.


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