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Re: [philosophy-197] Talking Stick

From: Sergio
Sent on: Sunday, November 20, 2011, 5:54 PM

Maybe just a good moderator.

I don't like the idea of the "talking stick" because a person who builds their argument off of a flawed premise, or uses incorrect "facts" will just waste everyone's time.  Or if they aren't clear.

I think we should be allowed/encouraged to quickly interrupt to ask for clarity, for example.

Just my two cents.

On Nov 20,[masked]:51 AM, "Deeanna" <[address removed]> wrote:
I noticed that Sabrina commented that she had a problem at the last meeting expressing her ideas because she was continualy being interrupted. I too, had that same problem to a small extent at the discussion that I attended with the group a while back. I like the idea of passing a "talking stick" or something similar. That way the person can express his/her thoughts (for a reasonable time) and then pass to the next person. Any thoughts?

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