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Assistant Organizers and Future Events

From: Genevieve C.
Sent on: Thursday, July 30, 2009, 3:57 PM
To all Members,

This summer has been crazy for me and rather than cancel the group, I'd like to try to schedule some joint events with other groups.

As we grow and gain members and volunteers, we'll be hosting more events. If you are interested in hosting an event, please let me know. I can do the coordination and negotiating for prices, etc., and all you have to do is show up and make sure everyone is good to go.

If and whenever possible, I'll try to ensure that the organizers get comp'd for their spots on events, if there's a fee. Let me know if any of you have ideas for events and would like to assist in the planning and coordination.

Some ideas for events are; hikes, happy hours, sky-diving, whitewater kayaking lessons, rock-climbing, movie nights, shows, etc. If there's something you want to see or would like to do, please let me know.


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