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UberConf 2015 - Ultimate JVM/Agility Event returns to Denver on July 21-24th (DOSUG Discount)

From: Mike B.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 17, 2015, 7:09 PM

Join Us for ÜberConf 2015 - ultimate JVM/Agility Event returning to Denver on July 21-24th

Event: UberConf 2015
Dates:  July 21-24, 2015

Join us for ÜberConf 2015 taking place in beautiful Denver, CO July 21 - 24, 2015. Brought to you by the No Fluff Just Stuff Software Symposium Series, ÜberConf will explore the ever evolving JVM ecosystem.

The Ü will offer over 150 technically focused sessions including hands on workshops centered around Architecture, Cloud, Security, Enterprise Java, Languages on the JVM, Build/Test, Mobility and Agility. The goal of ÜberConf is a simple one: totally blow the minds of our attendees.

$75 JUG Discount
JUG members are eligible for an additional $75 discount. 
When registering, use the discount code: nfjsusergroup75

Optional Full Day Workshops
For 2015, ÜberConf attendees can optionally choose to participate in one of 11 full-day workshops on Tuesday, July 21st.  Workshop registration is required.  Bring your laptop and be ready to learn.  These sessions will have you coding right away!

- Building Microservices
- Functional Programming with Java 8
- Angular Workshop
- Software Architecture Fundamentals
- Hacking & Hardening Java Web Applications
- R : Analyzing and Visualizing Data
- iOS with Swift Workshop
- Android Workshop
- Scaling and Fault Tolerance
- Containers: What Every Developer Needs to Know
- Cassandra Workshop

Hands on Half Day Workshops
In addition to the full day workshops, 20+ other hands-on workshops will be offered. Bring your laptop and be ready to code.  These sessions, led by project experts, will
get you started coding right away. Details will be announced in the coming weeks.

All Inclusive Travel Packages
Let us handle your travel arrangements.  We have great package deals available including: conference registration, 3 or 4 nights lodging, and airfare within the Continental US.

Topics at ÜberConf (

- Microservices
- Java 8
- Spring 4
- AngularJS, Google Polymer
- software architecture
- Security
- Data Analysis
- Scaling and Fault Tolerance
- Mobile: Android, iOS, HTML Mobile Apps
- JVM Internals
- Reactive Apps, Ratpack
- Cloud
- Grails
- Messaging
- Golang
- Continuous Delivery

Speakers at ÜberConf
We have a great line up of speakers for ÜberConf.  We are still working hard on this event and will be adding more speakers and sessions to the schedule. 

- Venkat Subramaniam - Founder of Agile Developer, Inc.
- Emad Benjamin - Principal Architect, VMware
- Mark Richards - Independent Software Architect, Author of Software Architecture Fundamentals
- Rachel Laycock - Architect with ThoughtWorks, Inc.
- Neal Ford - Application Architect at ThoughtWorks, Inc.
- Tim Berglund - Global Director of Training at DataStax
- Arun Gupta - Director of Developer Advocacy at Red Hat
- Johanna Rothman - Speaker, Consultant, Author for managing product development
- Josh Long - Developer Advocate
- Dan Woods - Senior Engineer with Netflix
- Douglas Hawkins - VM Engineer
- Jeremy Deane - Software Engineering Aficionado
- Christopher Judd - Developer, Consultant, Author & Mobility Expert
- Raju Gandhi - Java/Ruby Developer/Language Geek
- Kenneth Kousen - Author of "Making Java Groovy"
- Brian Sletten - Forward Leaning Software Engineer
- Ken Sipe - Architect, Web Application Security Expert
- Nathaniel Schutta - Author, speaker, software architect focused on user interface design.
- Craig Walls - Author of Spring in Action
- Ben Ellingson - developer, consultant -
- Danny Brian - Architect, Author, Designer, and User Advocate
- Joe Barnes - Senior Software Architect at Mentor Graphics
- Daniel Hinojosa - Independent Consultant/Developer
- Reza Rahman - Java EE Evangelist @ Oracle
- Michael Carducci - Magician
- Matt Stine - Senior Product Manager, Pivotal
- Sam Newman - Technologist with ThoughWorks
- Gary Hale - Principal Engineer at Gradleware
- Andy Painter - CTO of Davisbase Consulting
- Erik Hatcher - co-author of "Lucene in Action"
- Jai Hirsch - Architect @ CARFAX
- Diptanu Choudhury - Senior Platform Engineer @ Netflix
- Steve Kosten - Security Consultant @ Cypress Data Defense

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