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Re: [atheists-662] DAH Fund Raising Project to Support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

From: Shanana
Sent on: Thursday, August 23, 2012, 10:11 AM
Hi Alan --- my very belated check got out in yesterday's mail, so you should have today or tomorrow.  Thanks! 

And sorry I've been missing the last few get-togethers at Dead Prez -- Saturdays in the summer are tough to work around, but I hope to get back to meet more of you ias fall rolls around.  ----Shenna

On 8/8/2012 4:04 PM, Alan Palmer wrote:
On July 20th I sent out an appeal to the Humanists, atheists, and others who receive my messages to contribute $10 each in support of this worthwhile organization.  These donations would demonstrate the we are as caring and generous as others.  

We have a chance to raise over $1,500 if each one of us makes a contribution.  However, we are not off to a good start.  So far, only four individuals have contributed a total of $80.

Come on folks!  We can do better than this and if we can't we do not deserve to call ourselves Humanists.

But just so you feel alone in your inaction, read the item about the "Light the Night" program in Philadelphia which is also having trouble developing support even in view of the impassioned words by Anne Hanna:

Light the Night walk fundraising
Latest message by Anne Hanna on August 6, 2012 at 4:01 PM

Alan B. Palmer
A bright - Elevating and Illuminating a Naturalistic World View
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