From: Dave V.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 19, 2014, 12:14 AM
I guess you could add to the irony if the church bought insurance.

I'm typically not this confrontational, but my latest facebook post was a bit of a pot stirrer.

For the Christians among you, see if you can guess who I am? This is what was written about me:

I was born thousands of years ago.
I was born on December 25th in a cave, attended by shepherds.
I was born of a virgin.
I had 12 companions or disciples.
Wise men sought me out as a newborn by following a star. Here's an idea of what it's like to follow a star
Sunday is celebrated as my sacred day (also known as the “Lord’s Day,”)
I was called “the Good Shepherd”
Wait, don't answer yet, here are some more clues.
I was said to be the son of god.
I was crucified during Easter, and rose from death after three days.
I ascended into heaven promising to return to judge the quick and the dead.
My followers celebrated a meal of bread and wine.
I'm quoted "He who shall not drink of my blood, shall not know salvation."
I am the son of god, born of a human woman.
I turned water into wine at a wedding.
I bet you're ready to guess, aren't you? Not quite yet.
I said, if you share in my body and blood, you too shall be resurrected.

Ok, enough clues? You might have guessed Osiris. Sorry, wrong. But a good guess. Dyonisis? (Greek for god's son) Oh, closer, but still not the one. Although he was honored with bread and wine for his death on a crude stake. He resurrected and rose to heaven. Jesus of Nazareth? I'll bet that was you're guess, yes? Sorry.
If you got it wrong, don't feel bad. Hundreds of millions of Christians have been doing the same thing for over a thousand years.

I'm sure the faithful couldn't care less, and certainly won't be swayed by new information, but for the rest of you - Mithras. How many of you got that? Hey, good for you!

On 2/18/[masked]:39 AM, Alan Palmer wrote:
A little humor to brighten your day:

 Only in Texas is this common sense reasoning "Normal."
> > 
> > 
> > Diamond D's brothel began construction on an expansion of their building to increase their ever-growing business. In response, the local Baptist Church started a campaign  to block the business from expanding -- with morning, afternoon, and evening prayer sessions at their church.
> > 
> > Work on Diamond D's progressed right up until the week before the grand reopening when lightning struck the whorehouse and burned it to the ground!
> > After the cat-house was burned to the ground by the lightning strike, the church folks were rather smug in their outlook, bragging about "the power of prayer."
> > 
> > But late last week 'Big Jugs' Jill Diamond, the owner/madam, sued the church, the preacher and the entire congregation on the grounds that the church ... "was ultimately responsible for the demise of her building and her business -- either through direct or indirect divine actions or means."
> > In its reply to the court, the church vehemently and voraciously denied any and all responsibility or any connection to the building's demise.
> > The crusty old judge read through the plaintiff's complaint and the defendant's reply, and at the opening hearing he commented, "I don't know how the hell I'm going to decide this case, but it appears from the paperwork, that we now have a whorehouse owner who staunchly believes in the power of prayer, and an entire church congregation that thinks it's all bullshit.

Alan B. Palmer
A bright - Elevating and Illuminating a Naturalistic World View
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David P. Vallee
1179 Kingsway Rd. Apt. 5
West Chester, PA
P. [masked]

"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time."
T.S. Eliot

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Pooh Bear