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New Meetup: Old School Heathen Night

From: Jeff
Sent on: Wednesday, September 3, 2014, 10:04 AM

Announcing a new Meetup for Mile High Horrors- Denver Horror Fans!

What: Old School Heathen Night
When: Sunday, October 5,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Jeff Allen's apartment
Denver, CO 80230

You are all... each and every single one of you... sinners. You have misspent your lives in the greedy pursuit of wealth, the perverted pursuit of lust and the pursuit of that Godless rock and roll music. You have condemned your eternal souls to the fires of Hell and damnation, but there is hope for you filthy heathens yet. By witnessing first hand the blistering catastrophes others have suffered and learning from their sex fueled madness, your souls may yet be saved. We will first travel to the Holy Land itself, Italy, and meet Sister Gertrude, or as she is known in American as.... KILLER NUN (1978)

Next we will travel to Great Britain to see the final film made by Hammer Films in their original run... TO THE DEVIL... A DAUGHTER (1976)

Finally, we will once again return to Italy and try not lose our sanity as did the sinful nuns of St. Valentine in LE SCOMUNICATE DE S. VALENTINO (1974)

We will enjoy the blood of Christ and have communion to feast on. If you want more you need to bring it, but bring enough to share you selfish devils. Also, if you RSVP and don't show up, you will immediately be bannished to Hell. Fair warning has been given.

Check it out!

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