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Free Event for Real Estate Investors

From: Travis S.
Sent on: Thursday, October 7, 2010, 12:46 PM
I do not like sending so many emails to our members, but I would be more disappointed if you missed the opportunity to attend this completely free Real Estate Investor education event.

There are already more than 300 registered to attend from Fort Collins to Colorado Springs. The content is valuable the networking will be priceless.

Are you tired of going to free real estate education events full of fluff?

Are you sick of people on stage teaching nothing and selling everything?

Register by clicking here

How would you like to learn about real estate from local experts? Learn from people on the ground in Denver that are out there doing deals and making money today. Free up your calendar on October 16, 2010 because that is exactly what you should expect! Pine Financial Group, Inc has teamed up with Your Castle Real Estate and Happy Canyon group to bring you a one of a kind content rich event. A full day of education and networking for FREE!

Register by clicking here

Registration begins at 8:00 am and the action starts at 8:30. You will hear from a handful of local experts with no sales pitches, period. There will also be a Real Estate Investor Panel with successful investors and a handful of powerful vendors. The Investor Panel has proven to be the most popular section of any event we have been part of and promises to be no different at this event. The panel will consist of some of Denver?s most active investors. This alone might be the one thing you need to get your business to the next level. Bring your questions we are holding nothing back. Please understand that we make our money doing deals not selling books and tapes.

Register by clicking here

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.

Travis Sperr
[address removed]