What we’re about
Within the brightness of the desert
Struggles for life abound
Upon the shores of a man-made lake
Receding waters sound
Across the wind-swept desolation
Druids rise to the call
Protect, preserve, give honor to the
Loving Mother of All
Welcome to the Druids in Las Vegas!
We are a meetup group hosted by Larrea Tridentata Grove, ADF for anyone interested in druidism or druidry residing in or near the southern Nevada area.
If you love the Earth and all that She provides, and are ready to reach beyond the monotheistic 'Almighty God' and the duotheistic 'God and Goddess' to a universe filled with Deities, Spirits, and Ancestors as separate, distinct, and numerous as the millions of stars in the sky or humans and other creatures of the earth, then you've found a home for yourself here among the druids. Come on out to a meeting and learn about the virtues that guide our behaviors, the sources which inform our practice, and the practices which strengthen our individual spiritualities. Perhaps we may entice you to celebrate with us at one of our High Day rituals where you can form your own connections to the numinous Beings who share our world, help us care for this land and the people on it at one of our Community Service activities, or just get to know the amazing lands that surround "The Meadows" on one of our hikes.
We hold rituals according to the 'standard' Neopagan calendar (every 6 to 7 weeks), Community Service activities quarterly, a discover Nevada type adventure or hike monthly, and study-group/social meetings weekly, all of which are open-to-the-public. We are a polytheistic group that falls somewhere in the middle of the range between hard reconstructionists and ultra-soft feel-good pagans with a strong leaning toward sound scholarship and scientific research. We use this study of history to inform our modern practice, but do not limit ourselves to the practices of our ancestors. Our rituals are formatted in the ADF-Style.
Want to know more?
Check out our parent organization: Ár nDraíocht Féin (ADF) at http://www.adf.org
The Pages and Message Board sections of this meetup also include useful information about us and our events.