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RE: [Druids-in-Las-Vegas] Thesis Interview

From: erinlale
Sent on: Friday, March 8, 2013, 3:07 PM

How long can you wait? I'm crazy-busy running for Henderson City Council. It'll have to be either after April 2 or after June 4, depending on if I'm also running in the general. (April 2 is primary day.)


> From: [address removed]
> Subject: [Druids-in-Las-Vegas] Thesis Interview
> To: [address removed]
> Date: Fri, 8 Mar[masked]:53:02 -0500
> Hello all!
> My name is Casey Marek and I'm a senior in the sociology department at Princeton University. Over the past year or so I've become very interested in spirituality and metaphysics and (although I am a total beginner) decided to make it the topic of my thesis research. I was wondering if I could interview you about your beliefs and journey. If this research seems of value to you I would really appreciate any other contacts that I could reach out to as well. I can contact you by phone, or email! I am so excited about this research and the opportunity to learn more and start on my own spiritual path so I really hope you will consider it!
> Thank you so much,
> Casey Marek
> I've attached some interview questions for those interested and a research consent form and would appreciate you taking the time to look at it and consider participating!
> --
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