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DDC Going Forward into the New Year...

From: Ben
Sent on: Wednesday, January 8, 2014, 8:52 AM

A Warm Hello to All, and Happy New Year,

Just wanted to let everyone know that the Drum~Dance~Chill meetup group is going to be evolving a bit this year.  There will still be the traditional DDC gatherings as we've been having, though this February and possibly through March there will be a little break.  I (Ben) am transitioning away from my role of facilitating the drumming gatherings for a while and will be facilitating some new and different gatherings, including an on-going seated meditation group.  Most likely by March or April the Palo Alto DDC gathering will resume, and the San Mateo one may also, though will just be on a different day of the month.  Both will also have new facilitators.  As mentioned, I will now be facilitating a seated meditation group on the 1st Friday of each month in San Mateo, instead of the drum gathering.

There are also now a number of new event organizers listed in the organizers section.  A number of these people are already, or will soon be hosting an ongoing gathering that is linked in to the DDC community and will be listed on the event calendar.  DDC is expanding a bit to include other gatherings that somehow include drumming, dancing, and/or chilling (seated meditation).  If anyone else is interested in hosting a gathering as part of the DDC community please just send me an email or let me know at one of upcoming gatherings.  Please also take a moment to read the updated group description when you have a chance on the meetup homepage to get a better idea of the general intention of the group going forward.  You can also look at the 'we're about' section on the bottom left to get some idea.

I hope to see you at some of the new gatherings going forward into the new year, as we continue to explore in community the interplay of rhythm, flow, and stillness.  :)