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Problem upgrading to asset pipeline

From: Jon S.
Sent on: Sunday, February 17, 2013, 10:16 AM

Just upgraded a Ruby[masked] app to 3.2 (that worked) and then tried upgrading to use the asset pipeline following Ryan Bates’ post ( and the related one at However, even though my app runs, the display is really fouled up.


For example:

1.       The CSS for my menu navigation doesn’t work… the menu items are all display in the order they were coded rather than being re-directed to the top of the screen

2.       The menu items themselves don’t display properly: instead of seeing “Home”, I see “(/Home/welcome/index”

3.       The links in the page (using link_to “Accident Report”, :accident_report) display as “(Accident Reports (/accident_reports”


I’m using haml, moved everything over to app/assets, updated gem and haml gem, installed nodejs for my execjs module… everything seems OK but looks terrible.


Any suggestions for where to start looking?




Jon Seidel, CMC®

Effective Decisions... Priceless!


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