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Ninefold Presents Yehuda Katz in SF on 6/3! Free event! RSVP asap

From: Jeanine J.
Sent on: Friday, May 30, 2014, 11:43 AM

Hello Rubyists!

ts been a while since Yehuda Katz has presented at a SF Ruby Meetup.  So much has happened in the world of Rails and Ember.js. Yehuda has also been a part of the Ninefold story.  Come and hear the latest from Yehuda and we've added extra time for Q&A so you can get your questions answered directly.

The event is being held at Ninefold and space is strictly limited.  You know the drill – RSVP now, don’t wait and miss out


Yehuda Katz is a member of the Ember.js and Ruby on Rails Core Teams; Yehuda is the co-author of the best-selling books jQuery in Action and Rails 3 in Action. He spends most of his time hacking on open source and traveling the world doing open source evangelism work. He blogs at and can be found on Twitter as @wycats.

UPDATE(5/28/14): Yehuda's presentation will focus on Thor, and insights on how to build a great CLI tool. He will leverage examples that he has worked on including the Ninefold CLI gem.
Thor and Ninefold CLI link to their respective github pages - see for example.

Ninefold is a platform for deploying and hosting your Ruby on Rails apps with the option of your own virtual servers.  We are out to change the Rails hosting landscape so that developers no longer have to compromise the performance of their awesome app in order to have easy app deployment

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