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advanced-post-caching plugin

From: user 2.
Sent on: Thursday, February 25, 2016, 2:38 PM
Hi group,

[tl;dr] - does it work? how have you used it in code? what about this version for the nav?

So, the other day I installed gulp-phpcs for error check my theme php files and one of the many rabbit whole is opened up for me was a warning that said - don't use get_posts(), instead use WP_Query because it takes advantage of the Advanced Post Cache plugin.  What is that, I asked? So, after some googling I found this GIT repo from Automattic:

So, after some more Googling I found this plugin page: and see that the plugin, even though very hard to find information on, is written by Matt M himself.

So, I guess the short of this is, has anyone used it (I can't seem to find much info on it from googling around) and if you have, how have you used it?  Also, have you used this other one for nav object?



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