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Looking for entry-level WP dev to take over small client maintenance project

From: Anita
Sent on: Sunday, November 11, 2018, 11:02 AM
Hi WordPress devs!

I have a client back in Los Angeles who needs a WordPress dev to take over minor maintenance for his business site. He's doesn't require regular maintenance, only when he wants to change something or something's broken. (Right now he says some of his blog posts are not displaying, and I don't have time to check it out due to my new full-time job...)

His site has a custom theme built by another agency and some JQuery tools. I know just enough PHP to make WP child themes and can read JavaScript (wouldn't consider myself a JS developer at all), and he was very happy with my work.

I think this would be a good gig for someone who's been studying WordPress development and is looking for a first-time client. He has a small budget but he's patient as long as you communicate well. I've charged him $200 for a fix, depending on how dire it is.

Email me at [address removed] and I can give you more details. Thanks all!

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