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Am I still breathing?

From: Adam S.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 1:00 PM

Hello Friend,

Eckhart Tolle invites us to ask this question, "Am I still breathing" as a way of finding our breath yet again.  The breath is the essence of our lives and also works as a powerful 'anchor of attention' here in the present.

By the way, next month we are going to have another Meditation Picnic.  Hopefully you can make it.  You can rsvp here if you want.

Also, next month you are invited to a cool event the Miracle Mondays Kickoff.   This will be an ongoing event but it's only posted here once because it's not a 'traditional meetup' so click here for more info if you are interested in that.

I hope you are all enjoying every moment (which is only this moment) of your summer!



Please don't reply directly to this email.  You can message me directly through my website





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