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15 Additional Places & Strategies on how to get one

From: Jan
Sent on: Thursday, March 13, 2008, 4:28 PM
Dear all,

I received complaints from members who told me it is nearly impossible to get a free place in one of our meetups.
I apologize for this. The thing is, that I have to keep to the numbers I agreed on with the clubs/bars we go to and that's usually about 80 people maximum.

Anyway, I would like to give you some advice on what to do to get a place:

- Look for upcoming events regularly: I always set up new events some days before sending around the announcement. So there are usually periods where it?s no problem to RSVP.

- Watch the website shortly before the event: There are always people who change their mind on short notice. They usually change their RSVP one day or even hours before the event takes place. If you look regularly, you can get one of these places. If there are Maybe RSVP?s (sometimes available for a while after announcing an event) I change them to "no" several days prior to the event (if the option-holders don?t change them to yes themselves), this also gives you a second chance.

- Be a woman: If there are special arrangements for the ladies (like the Belini vouchers this time), I keep some places reserved to get as many members as possible who can make use of this offering. These places are on "invitation only" - I do the RSVP here. There are 15 of these this time. If you are a woman, drop me an email and I will set your RSVP to yes manually (only the first 15 emails will be considered). If you are a man, keep to one of the two strategies described above and accept my apologies.

Thanks for your understanding!


Membership dues

€50.00 per ani

This covers: see the balance sheet open to all members. and you pay once for all our groups

Payment is accepted using:

  • PayPal
  • Cash or check - “our Postfinance account is ; Zurich Expats Zunft Verein ; Alststetterstrasse 311 8047 Zürich ; account number 60-659853-2 CHF 50 a year. Or pay cash @ door

Your organizer will refund you if:

  • If you think that the cost should not be properly been disclosed to you and also not the payments. Your payment will be returned to you in mediatly if you get refund due to Brasilian payment please sent Euro 50

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