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Elixir Nerves Workshop - March 16 - Chicago

From: Garrett S.
Sent on: Friday, February 8, 2019, 1:51 PM

Hey it's your friendly neighborhood Erlang user group organizer! No, we haven't really been active lately, but our friends down the street - the Elixir folk - have been!

They asked me to let you know about a workshop coming up on March 16:

I've included a summary of the event below for you convenience.

Workshops are a great way to get up-to-speed quickly on a new technology. And Elixir should be on your short list if you haven't checked it out already!


Use Elixir to build hardware devices with the Nerves Project in this workshop by the authors of Nerves. Don't miss this unique opportunity!About this EventDevice to the Cloud with Nerves and NervesHub

The Elixir language and Erlang runtime provide a uniquely robust and productive environment that runs well from embedded to server. This class extends on previous Nerves training to the cloud for device/server communications and device management with NervesHub. Attendees will assemble real devices and build out the software step-by-step for a simple multi-user game with the help of the authors of Nerves.

We'll spend the first half of the day building the device and getting comfortable with developing and debugging on Nerves. If you've attended previous Nerves courses, this one will have greater emphasis on networking and device provisioning. The second half transitions to managing devices with NervesHub and developing a simple companion Phoenix application.

The workshop is appropriate for beginners and expert Elixir programmers alike since it focuses more on embedded development than pure coding. Since the Nerves development is rapidly improving, even veteran embedded Elixir programmers will learn new ways of making their development cycle better. Beginners to Elixir are highly encouraged to create a couple toy projects and learn about GenServers and OTP releases beforehand.

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