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Ethics: Sunday morning at 10:30, BELMONT Library discussion on GUNS

From: Richard M.
Sent on: Saturday, October 3, 2015, 5:50 PM

Sunday the at 10:30 AM at the BELMONT LIBRARY

First Please Review the Topic Write-up

(The subject to be discussed is on the write-up.) 

How To Find The Summary

Go to the top of the Ethical Philosophy homepage at

under the "on" in “Honestly”    is a button labeled “ More “

click on it and a dropdown menu will appear.

“Files” will be an option.

Click on “ Files ”

The file at the top (in either Word or pdf) should be the one.

Double click on the topic AT THE TOP.

That is your reading assignment or maybe educational opportunity or maybe a pack of outrageous lies.  Figuring that out is the purpose of the discussion.  There are usually about a dozen very nice folk there.


Google Map:

Belmont Library is on Chaesar Chevez, (sometimes still called SE 39th Ave.) between Yamill and Taylor, (1038 SE Caesar Chevez across the street from the Walgreens.)

The library has a small parking lot which is empty at 10:30.  Go into the front door of the library, our meeting room is to the left, just beyond the front counter, behind the door on the right.

YOU MAY BRING COFFEE or food or whatever.

The purpose of the write-up is NOT to convince anyone anything, but to education everyone a little and encourage thought and discussion.

Maybe we could all learn something and even make new friends.

We often go out for lunch afterwards.

See ya,

Sebastian Z. Twit



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