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New Meetup: Gaia Healing at Manassas Battlefield

From: Leslie
Sent on: Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 7:14 AM
What: Gaia Healing at Manassas Battlefield
When: Saturday, June 19th
Time: Begin at 12:30 until around 4:30
Where: Meet at Starlight's home at 4605 Buckhorn Ridge, Fairfax, VA 22030 to carpool to Manassas Battlefield (see link below)
Notes: Bring water and snacks if you like. Optional group dinner afterwards (at own expense).
Price: $25

Join us for a trip to the Civil War Battlefield in Manassas for Gaia Healing. This powerful experience will open a portal for the souls of those soldiers who have not yet passed over to be guided and reconnected with their higher selves for re-integration and healing. Perhaps more importantly, it frees our Mother Earth of the energies of these lost and confused souls so that She Herself may heal. In my personal experience, it?s brought me to greater understanding and compassion for soldiers on both sides, and in closer relation with angels and guides who come to help in this process.

We?ll be introducing you to the Reconnection frequencies that we?ll use at the site. Once we perform a group healing, we?ll dowse for other optimal healing locations and the group will break up in pairs or smaller groups for more work. There is nothing to fear in this experience and Gaia and Spirit will appreciate your caring efforts immensely.

For historical perspective, 20,000 men were killed or injured between the two battles fought on these fields, the first of which was a sober awakening for both sides that the war was to last much longer than both had initially thought. more information on the history and national park, click here.

Please join us to clear the pattern of violence, bloodshed, confusion and grief from our land and the lost souls who are captured there.

We?ll need to carpool, so please advise if you?re willing to drive. I?ll gladly reimburse for gas.

For those who are interested, we may go to dinner afterwards to share our experiences.

To respond and to read an account of one of my trips to Manassa:

If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Yes".)

You can always get in touch with me through the "Contact Organizer" link on Meetup:

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