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New Years Party Update

From: Meghann
Sent on: Friday, December 30, 2016, 5:49 PM

Hey everyone!


We just sold all the 200 tickets I was given for our big New Years Party! I'm so excited to sell out but I know that there's still so many people that were wanting to buy their tickets last minute so I talked to the bar and he's letting me sell more!! Just follow the link to buy your ticket It's only $20 - one of the cheapest events around with the most to offer!


Ticket sales will end @ 3pm sharp on Saturday because Ian and I have to print the guest list before we leave so make sure to buy your tickets by then or you will miss this great party!

Details about the party can be found in Ian's group: mine:
I will see you all anytime after 7:30pm but come as early as you can for the ice breaker contest, games and prizes! There will be free hot dogs around 10pm as well. If you come later, make sure you use the VIP line to get in faster

See you all tomorrow!

Happy New Year Everyone!!
Meghann & Ian


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