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Dues - Rethinking the increase

From: Parsh M.
Sent on: Sunday, December 4, 2011, 4:29 PM



When NetFlix raised its prices and did not listen to complaints from its users, it lost over a million members.  We are not doing that.  Each member here is a friend and a colleague.  Losing any one of you is like losing a family member.  Not gonna let that happen without a fight.

Executive Decision: The Dues for the Fairhill Photography Group will remain at $10.00 per year.


If you have not yet paid your dues, please know that the dues will be due January 1st 2012.  Starting next year, we will have full transparency and accountability for the dues.  A series of spreadsheets will be added to the files section of our site.  They will document where the money has come from and where it is going.  With the $10 dues rate, however we will still need to continue the fee structure for the 'special meetups' that we have had in the past.  For example the classes we have had with Steve Gotlieb. Joe Rossbach, Brandy Wine and others.  


In addition, no photographer will ever and I mean ever be turned away for not paying dues.  


Thank you and keep shooting.








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