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Pizza Debt

From: Oli S.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 11:03 PM

Hi all, lets see The Debt on Saturday. The showing is at 9:25pm, closing at 11:40pm (sorry it's later than usual, but the only showing of the day).

Lets meet at 7pm AT THE CINEMA to go for a meal at Pizza Hut at the Oracle - I have a voucher for £5 pizza for up to 8 people.


If you're coming to the film and want me to get a ticket for you so we're all sitting together, could you either bank transfer £8.55 to me before the end of Friday (ask if you don’t have my account details) or click the payment button on the meetup to pay £9.05 to me by PayPal (includes 50p PayPal charge).

If you're not coming to the film, let me know so we can co-ordinate meeting up.


Seeya there,



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