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RE: [friends-671] new info about the June 8th ALL ABOUT YOU meeting

From: Charlotte
Sent on: Saturday, June 1, 2013, 2:58 PM
FYI, it is not bad taste, it is proper etiquette to RSVP to an invitation. Also, you are not required to give a reason. You can't "think" it is bad taste because it is not, it is proper.
However, if you choose to request RSVP only if it's a "yes", that is certainly your option.

On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 2:41 PM, FWM wrote:


this is Moshe, the group's organizer,
a day or two ago,   I added info as to who will speak
but I will still try to bring one or two other speakers.

please DO make comments
and if you do not want to come, please just do not RSVP
I think it is in bad taste to RSVP "no" unless if you also add comment as to why.

all the best

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