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Edible medicinal and utilitarian plants resources

From: Jeff A
Sent on: Thursday, May 3, 2012, 6:33 PM
Eventually I will put together a day class but work is blowing up right now and I work weekends anyway. 
These are books that everyone needs in this area.

Plants of the pacific northwest - commonly referred to as POJAR. great basic field guide with edible medicinal and utilitarian info

Discovering wild plants - by michael Moore (not of the film variety)

Botany in a day. Important for identifying genus.

I am constantly harvesting and caretaking native plants and removing invasive species. As a survival oriented woodsman I understand that a healthy environment is the most important part of flourishing. I highly recommend everyone here at least get POJAR and keep it in your bob. Take it hiking and learn the prevalent plants that provide protection from the plight of our primitive persuasion. Remember that after the collapse your shoes and clothes will fall apart and you need to know how to make all that stuff from nature. Did you know that cedar bark is among the best clothing for our wet environ? Did you know you can eat the cambium and make fire, baskets and more from it?
Prep your mind!

Yarr Sent from my iPatch

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