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Join us for a talk by 1 of Canada's top tech VCs!

From: Anna M.
Sent on: Monday, June 5, 2017, 10:23 AM

Hi Girl Geeks,

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Next week, we invite you to join us for our last event before our summer break (events will resume in September).

Tuesday June 13 at we're hosting Michelle McBane of MaRS Investment Accelerator Fund to talk about Canada's newest fund - and one that caters to woman-led startups - StandUp Ventures! This is a unique opportunity to hear from Michelle about this exciting new initiative, which will fund pre-seed/seed-stage startups with women in significant ownership and leadership positions.

Every $10 ticket gets you access to this great talk, a healthy dinner spread, and networking time with this fantastic community.

RSVP here & see you soon!

Anna, Amy & Kania

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