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Looking forward to 2016

From: Jon W.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 1, 2015, 11:41 AM

Hello Gophers,

Here's what's next for GolangPhilly for the rest of this year, we're preparing for a great 2016!  Darrel and I will be brainstorming some talk topics and reaching out to potential speakers so that we can all increase our knowledge of Go and have fun doing it.  But don't be shy!  If you have a topic you want to learn more about, please send it to the mailing list or suggest it at a meetup.  You don't have to give the talk, maybe someone else will volunteer to give the talk.

If you've never given a talk before, now's your chance.  We make time for shorter lightning talks each month.  If you've written a blog post regarding Go, if you've read cool blog post regarding Go, if you saw an interesting thread on the Golang Mailing list, if you have a question about why something works/doesn't work a certain way in Go, those are all potential lightning talks.

Future meetups will still be at the DramaFever offices at 1717 Arch St. on the 6th floor.  We'll be gathering on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in 2016 except where that falls on a holiday.  Then we'll move it back a week.

There's lots happening with Go these days.  If you haven't checked out the golang blog post GolangUK 2015 yet, do so.  There are some great videos in there.

Also the book the Go Programming Language came out in early November.  It's definitely worth a read.

Looking forward to seeing you all in 2016.