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Freebie Friday (Paris Time): Finding Subdivision Deals and Sunflowers?

From: Matt J.
Sent on: Saturday, July 18, 2015, 7:25 AM

Yep, it's still Friday in France at the moment
so I figured I could slip this freebie in before
I go to bed!

You should all know by now that I'm a big fan
of subdivision so I'm always keen to share
any information I have to help others achieve
success using this great strategy.

Your Investment Property magazine recently
did an interview with me on finding subdivision
deals and parts of it have been published in
their latest edition.

If you haven't seen the article yet, click here
to download... it's a great read:

Those of you that can make it along to the 
upcoming Brisbane Property Group meeting
on Tues 28th July are in for a real treat!

Not only have we got a powerhouse of speakers
presenting but I just shot a video that I'll be sharing
everyone in the room.... here's where I was
when filming:

Whats with the sunflowers you ask?

Well, you'll just have to come along on Tues
28th July at Broncos Leagues Club and hear
all about it :)

I look forward to seeing you then!


PS. Here's the link to RSVP if you haven't
done so already:[masked]

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