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Startup Monthly Ice Breaker and Team Formation workshop on Saturday 28th in Palo Alto

From: Yuri R.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 25, 2012, 7:13 PM
Hello Developers and Designers,
Do you want to be a technical co-founder in a new startup that you are going to build in the coming 2 months? Come and build or join a team!!!

Ice Breaker workshop is the best way to meet people and build a team around idea. Join us this coming Saturday Jan 28th  Number of spots is limited!!!

Photos from 2 previous Ice Breakers:

Super Early Bird until Jan26th 12pm- $40 for 2 sessions
Early Bird until Jan 27th 12pm - $60 for 2 sessions
Regular and at the door - $100 for 2 sessions

Looking forward to help you build a new well formed team that will create a startup together in our next Idea Accelerator 4.0 in Palo Alto

Startup Monthly Team

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