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Brand Alliances and the pleasures and perils of Certification 🌍 Wed Feb 22nd - Some Early Bird tickets still available 💚

From: Ben W.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 15, 2017, 12:20 PM

Hey there :-)

Greenups are kicking the year off with a timely and topical event all about the good the bad and the ugly of certification, accreditation and endorsement.

Grab your early bird ticket for February Greenups (Wed 22nd Feb) while you still can.

In March, we’re hosting a couple of documentary film nights as part of the Transition Film Festival, and in April we’re going foraging!

We’re always looking for volunteers.

We hope you can join us at some or all of these events.

The Greenups team.


Brand alliances and the pleasures and perils of Certification

Wednesday 22nd February.

107 Projects, permaculture rooftop garden and bar, Redfern

Doors open at 6pm, panels and talks start at 7pm.

Eventbrite - Brand Alliances, and the pleasures and perils of Certification

We’ve all seen them, those little badges on the side of products and services: Certifications, Accreditations. Brand Associations.

They’re arguably essential badges for the consumer indicating compliance to a set of values or standards. With so many out there, some even competing, what do these badges of approval mean?

How does the wary individual navigate their way through this ecosystem, and how do they know what badges to trust?

Conversely, what’s in it for the brands? How do their products get the badge? And what’s in it for the NGOs who put their logos out there?

We’ll explore these questions, and more, in a lively panel discussion at the first Greenups for 2017. Our panel includes CEOs and brand managers from a range of organisations including WWF, Fairtrade, B-Corp, MSC & GECA and more. See the event page for full panelist details.

If you interested in this complex topic, as an insider or consumer, we welcome you to join the conversation.

If you think you should be on our panel or want to sponsor this event, please get in touch.

How much:

$25.00 General Entry including light nibbles thanks to MSC and 107 Projects.
$10.00 Early Bird tickets available (until the panel is finalised).
$5.00  Students and Unwaged.

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