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Re : [entrepreneur-1566] [HKBO April meetup] Call for ideas, suggestions, and meetup date

From: Dotty
Sent on: Tuesday, March 24, 2009, 10:55 AM
hi there

tuesday or thursday would be fine for me. is the place already set up or not?! if not central or causeway bay would be great! as i finish work late i would be able to come ASAP right after work!



--- En date de : Sam[masked], Terry Tong <[address removed]> a ?crit :

De: Terry Tong <[address removed]>
Objet: [entrepreneur-1566] [HKBO April meetup] Call for ideas, suggestions, and meetup date
?: [address removed]
Date: Samedi 21 Mars 2009, 15h36

Hi everyone,

Here is Terry again, the organizer of Hong Kong Business Owners (HKBO). First, I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome all the new members who have joined HKBO in recent weeks. I hope you will enjoy being part of this group. As always, if you have any good ideas or suggestions, please share them and let's make HKBO better.

I have a good news for you. For our coming meetup in April, we have invited Ms. Kristin Lowe, founder of Organizing Solutions, which specializes in providing organizing consultancy. Kristin will give us a presentation on personal productivity which I think will be useful to many of us. Of course, for those of you who are new to running a business, Kristin will also be pleased to share with you her entrepreneurial stories. It will be a fun evening and a good opportunity to learn and network. For an introduction of Kristin and her company, please refer to the attached PDF.

I will announce the details of the meetup later. But I'd like to know on which date you prefer to have the meetup. We may hold the meetup on the following dates:

14th, 15th, 16th, 21st, 22nd, or 23rd of April (Tuesdays/Wednesday/Thursdays)

I'd like to know which date is more convenient to most of you and we will hold the meetup on that date. Preference will be given to members who speak up first. But if I don't hear from any of you, I will make the decision.

Like the previous meetup, we will need to share the cost of renting a decent venue. If you have any good suggestions, please let me know. The venue needs to have some audio/video/projector facilities so that we can have a good presentation experience. The cost of the previous meetup is HK$120 per person, which seems to be quite affordable to most of our members.

From past experience, we will invite only one guest speaker for the coming meetup so that we can have more time for networking, be able to make the meetup shorter, and get home early.

I'd love to hear your feedback on pretty much anything you have in mind regarding our meetup group, such as the organization, the topics, the guest speakers you hope to meet, etc. We need collective wisdom to make the meetup interesting and useful. So again, I am waiting for your ideas.

Have a nice weekend,

Project Manager
Bit Artz (HK) Limited

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