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New Meetup: Singles' Spring Social Mixer (Multiple Groups)

From: Marcelle J. S.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 6:19 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Happy Hour Group!

What: Singles' Spring Social Mixer (Multiple Groups)

When: Tuesday, April 20,[masked]:00 PM

Belltown Billiards
90 Blanchard St
Seattle, WA 98121

Description Greetings Everyone!

By popular request, we are hosting all ages (21+) Singles Mixer. Yes Yes Yes!

Come on down and meet some new people. We will host this "officially" from 7-10pm but some people tend to stay on later.

If you are single this is the event for you! Don't keep us a secret! Invite your neighbors, friends, family or coworkers to attend! More the merrier!

Belltown Billard has graciously offered to provide the space. If you haven't been to the Belltown Billard's before it has 2 very large bars, dance floor, lounge, and pool tables. They will be spinning dance music from the 80s and beyond! Wahoooo!

Last year, we had over 300 people attend from all age groups! Wowwwwww!!! That is alot of people so this year we wanted to make sure we have plenty of space.

Stay tune as we get closer to the date for any updates! We will have several people hosting! Please RSVP as soon as possible so we can get the bar staff up correctly.

**This event is being hosted by the TRANSPLANTS IN RAINTOWN group & will be advertised outside of Meetup.**

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