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Suggestions, Beatings & Comments?

From: Rich
Sent on: Thursday, November 28, 2013, 10:30 PM

Hey Metal Heads


Hope everyone had a good holiday, As we move into 2014 I'd like to make this group a bit more, well meetup like. What I mean about that is instead of random events being posted with the hope of 3 more people RSVPing to make it official, I was thinking of posting all shows as official events with the hopes more members will see it and respond. Let me know what you all think.


I also want to do more simple bar meetups at places like Lucky 13 or Duffs that cater to our music so members can meet in a casual atmosphere so when shows pop up they are more likely to get together and go.


I'd also like to have more pre and post show gatherings so anyone attending the show can have a drink with other group members and get more out of the whole experience.


Let me know if you have any other suggestions for 2014. This group has a lot of great people and potential. Let's tap into that.



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