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Plenty of spots open for the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk!

From: Joe L.
Sent on: Friday, October 5, 2012, 10:49 PM

Hi Folks,

Next weekend is the Scott Kelby World Wide Photo Walk. will be doing our 4th photowalk called Downtown @ Night; its how our little group got started!  Unfortunately, our event filled up to the limit really quick.

But there's still hope!

There are several Houston-area World Wide Photo Walk locations that still have openings!  Fellow HoustonPhotowalks leader Paula Puffer is leading a walk in Armond Bayou:

There is one at City Hall:

Humble only has two photo walkers so far.  There's gatta be some members in Humble, right?

If the coast is more your style, check out the Galveston photo walk:

There is even a photowalk at the Ren Fest!

And finally, Lake Conroe is back:

Regardless which event you go to next weekend, have a SAVE and FUN photowalk!

Joe Lippeatt

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