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RE: [infjinthecity] New Meetup: Bernal Heights Hill Meetup 2/6/10

From: sam
Sent on: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 1:27 AM
i can see bernal hill out of my windows in distance, i'm curious too and up for the hike, but in feb?

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [infjinthecity] New Meetup: Bernal Heights Hill Meetup 2/6/10
Date: Sun, 27 Dec[masked]:59:37 -0500

Announcing a new Meetup for The San Francisco INFJ Meetup/Support Group!

What: Bernal Hill Meetup

When: February 6,[masked]:00 PM

Bernal Hill
Bernal Heights Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 94110

Hello INFJ's!

I've always wanted to climb (walk up?) the Bernal Hill. So thought it may make a good meeting event! I'm putting this up without too many details right now to see if there is any interest.

My thought would be to gather near the hill at a sandwich place. If anyone hasn't eaten lunch before they come they can grab sandwiches and we can sit and chat and eat them on the top.

Please feel free to post/email suggestions or ideas or topic discussion ideas for the event. I work every Sunday so that's why I've made this for a Saturday, and I'm not sure if people will be up for an event on Saturday or not...

If there is enough interest I'll add details to this event page.

Here is a link to the Yelp Page with location and photos:


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